Stretcher Handling Workshop
A Stretcher Handling Workshop will be held on Saturday 5th Sept in Co. Fermanagh. It will be a full day affair, starting at 9am and finishing at 5.30pm. If you have the day free, please come along as its a good skill for ICRO personnel to brush up on, especially in advance of our NIMCRCC assessment next year, and RTEs appearance (TBC) at our next rescue practice in Sept. There are 16 places available on the course, please email Aileen at or contact her by phone on either 07709135781 (UK) or 0857282411 (ROI) to book a place. A course schedule will be emailed out shortly. Please be advised that there may be nominal cost associated with this workshop, in order to cover the cost of hall hire. This will be firmed up by the time the course schedule is ready, and I’ll let you know if there will be a charge and, if so, what it’ll be.
Also, please be advised that there will be a Stores Day on Sunday 6th Sept at the Fermanagh Store. If you’re coming along to the Stretcher Handling Workshop, please hang around for this, or if you can’t make the workshop, please come up for the day. The store needs a sort-out in advance of the next rescue practice on Saturday 26th Sept. There is a tentative plan to have a BBQ at the store after the tidy-up, this will also be firmed up shortly. Please email / contact Aileen to let her know if you can can make the Stores Day.