Fracking info update, Feb 2012
Extra websites have been added to SUI’s information sheet on fracking. Information on Fracking is available for download.
News relating to caving in Ireland.
Extra websites have been added to SUI’s information sheet on fracking. Information on Fracking is available for download.
The large cave spider Meta menardi (see image) has been elected Spider of the Year for 2012 by the European Society of Arachnology. I would greatly appreciate if cavers could keep their eyes peeled for this animal as they are entering cave systems through 2012. This large spider is completely Read more…
“Hydraulic fracturing is a technique for recovering gas from relatively impermeable rocks such as shale. It involves pumping water containing sand and chemicals into boreholes at high pressure causing them to fracture and so increase their permeability. SUI is concerned that if hydraulic fracturing is carried out near karst areas Read more…